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团结创新 广东工业大学采购了ZT-4A(X)型铁电参数测量系统

更新时间:2019-04-29  |  点击率:1123

团结 勤奋 求是 创新 广东工业大学采购了ZT-4A(X)型铁电参数测量系统

Guangdong University Of Technology



     广东工业大学(Guangdong University of Technology GDUT),简称广工,位于“花城”广州,始建于1958年,是国家“111计划”、省属重点大学、广东省“211工程”、广东省高水平大学、广东省高水平理工科大学;入选“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”、*批新工科研究与实践项目、“工程师教育培养计划”、“中国制造2025”*批智能制造试点示范基地、“全国大学生创业示范园”、*批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校;也是“金砖国家智库合作中方理事会”副理事长单位,“设计艺术院校联盟”、“粤港澳高校联盟”、“大学通识教育联盟”主要成员。



Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), located in the "flower city" of guangzhou, was founded in 1958. It is a national "111 plan", a provincial key University, a "211 project" of Guangdong province, a high-level University in Guangdong province, and a high-level University of science and engineering in Guangdong province. Included in the "national construction under high level university graduate student project", the country's first new engineering research and practice project, education "outstanding engineers training plan", "made in China" 2025 countries the first pilot demonstration base of intelligent manufacturing, "national college students' entrepreneurship demonstration garden", the national first batch of deepening the reform of creative education demonstration of colleges and universities; He is also the vice chairman of the Chinese council for brics think tank cooperation, and a major member of the international alliance of design and art colleges, the alliance of universities in guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the alliance of university general education.


Guangdong university of technology stocks of ZT - 4 a (X) ferroelectric parameter measurement system, can measure the ferroelectric hysteresis loop, and it also can measure several other parameters, for the guangdong university of technology materials science research provides an important scientific research support, has important help to the undergraduate teaching, believe to be able to further improve school of guangdong university of technology materials research ability, for our country's materials, and science and technology of China provide important support for scientific research.